The start of the busiest time of the year for maternity wards is less than nine months away! What this means is that right now, there are a lot of households with frantic and happy parents-to-be trying to prepare their homes for the new arrival.
Impending parenthood manages the feat of being incredibly exciting and extremely stressful at the same time. There is much to be done and sitting right on the top of many to-do lists is to get nurseries prepared and the rest of the home, made baby-safe.
To help ease the nerves and let you enjoy the run-up to parenthood, we have compiled a guide crammed full of friendly advice.
Tips for preparing your home for a new baby
Preparation is key when planning for the arrival of a new baby. In this section, we have listed a few of our best tips for preparing your home.
It’s never too early to start putting your house in order.
We know there is a lot to do, and the task ahead can seem enormous. But your home needs to be baby-safe and free of unnecessary clutter well before the big day is due. The earlier you begin, the better.
If you set yourself a goal of doing a little each day, the task will soon become manageable. The ultimate aim is to create a clutter-free, calm atmosphere to help both the parents and the newly arrived bundle of burps and smiles relax.
Start right now by creating a list that details everything that needs to be done. Planning ahead and ticking off tasks as they are completed helps you feel that progress is being made.
Safety is your no. 1 priority
It doesn’t take long before the baby becomes mobile and wobbles off to explore at every opportunity. It is therefore vital to make your home as childproof as possible. Toddlers are inquisitive little angels, and the child-eye view of the world is full of lurking dangers that we adults are mostly unaware of.
Make sure cracks, and sharp edges that can harm inquisitive fingers are dealt with, cover all power sockets, and put child gates on stairways and other danger zones.
Cleanliness is also essential, a baby’s immune system takes time to work properly, so it is essential to shield them from bugs and diseases during those early days.
Furniture and Fixtures
Furnishings can make great playthings for toddlers, especially when mum or dad’s back is turned!
But once again, hidden dangers can lurk when viewed from a toddler’s perspective. Lamps that easily topple, unstable bar stools, drawers that can trap little fingers, all need to be considered.
Make sure any furniture that can be easily pulled or knocked over by little explorers is stored away safely or safely secured, consider fitting childproof locks on drawers and cabinets and keep those little fingers safe.
A self-storage unit is a great option for storing dangerous furniture during your new arrivals’ most vulnerable period. This keeps them safe and in perfect condition and doesn’t add to the clutter of a household that has suddenly filled up with cuddly toys and other baby paraphernalia.
Self-storage units are an affordable option that is available in a range of sizes and can be rented for the exact period you need.
Say goodbye to your spare room
Preparing your spare room as a nursery is one of the more joyful tasks as you prepare for the new arrival. But if it’s already set up as a spare room, then the first task is going to be dealing with the existing furniture.
Furniture self storage could once again be your knight in shining armour!
Much of the furniture that is already in the nursery-to-be could be used once the little nipper grows up, and they grow up faster than you’d ever imagine. Beds, bedside cabinets, dressers, and wardrobes can be safely stored and out of the way for now and be brought back into use when the time comes.
A self-storage unit is also great for when decorating the nursery. One essential tip when decorating, especially when you are decorating close to the due date, is to make sure that you use water-based paints only. High-gloss and other oil-based paints are heavy with fumes – Not great for those developing lungs.
The benefits of using a self-storage unit
During those frantic months in the run-up to the big event and the months and years afterwards, this could be the best investment you make.
Here are just a few of the benefits that a self-storage unit can provide during the early period of parenthood.
- Decluttering – having a decluttered home is essential. Not only is it proven to be a more relaxing atmosphere for parents and babies alike, but it also removes many of the dangers that face inquisitive toddlers.
- It’s affordable – With units available from a few Euros per week, a self-storage unit can save you money by safely storing valuable items until they can be used again, therefore negating the need to re-invest inexpensive furniture and fixtures when the time is right.
- It’s convenient – At U Store It, we have facilities throughout Ireland, and access is readily available during normal business hours, with access outside these times also available if required.
- Clean, dry, and secure – All our units are meticulously maintained, cleaned, and protected by multi-layered security systems. This means that your stored belongings will remain in great condition for as long as they are stored.
- Redecorating space – Even if you don’t need a self-storage unit for after the baby has arrived, it can still play a part by letting you clear your feet while decorating in preparation for the baby’s arrival.
- Keep valuable items and keepsakes safe – Babies are not known for their delicate touch. A self-storage unit can be used to protect delicate and valuable items from prying fingers.
And Finally – Congratulations!
Here at U Store It, we want to take this opportunity to offer our congratulations on the impending arrival. Our friendly staff are here to help you by providing the perfect storage option to make that journey into parenthood as smooth and as enjoyable as possible.
Why not contact us today to find out more about our self-storage solutions and how they can help you.