The holiday season in the world of retail businesses means loading up on inventory and getting ready for the busiest time of the year! Pop-up stores and warehouses, the mobile commerce expansion and the strength in discount retailing aim to attract the shoppers and bring great revenues to the retailers. However, in order to achieve record revenues, they need to have an inventory system that is built on a centralised model and that they can manage properly. Having a good inventory storage system is crucial in order to maximise the sales and minimise the possibility of overselling.
In order to properly prepare for the shopping season, U Store It helps business owners store their inventory in a secured self-storage unit. Here’s why this system works:
Overstock Management
Some businesses tend to stock up on their inventory and be fully prepared for the holiday season as early as September! That’s a pretty smart choice given that they won’t have to rush things once the holidays approach. However, having a greater truckload leads to having limited space. There must be a way to place the extra inventory somewhere where it will be kept until it’s time to place it on the shelves!
Regardless of how large your stockroom is, at some point, it will get cluttered with all the boxes that have piled up in preparation for the busy season. So, if you opt for a business self-storage unit, you’ll automatically free up some space, avoid the clutter and have good control over your inventory.
Seasonal Fixtures Maintenance
It’s not only retail stock that clutters the space in stores. Just think about the seasonal fixtures and decoration. Then, think about the signage that you’ll have to prepare for the sales announcements and marking the holiday items. Self-storage units are perfectly suitable for all these scenarios. They give you a chance to stay organised even in the busiest season. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to temporarily store the items you don’t need right away.
Tips on How to Get Through the Holiday Season with Business Storage
Renting a self-storage unit is a perfect way to make your business run smoothly. And, running smoothly is essential during the most hectic season there is. Here are additional tips:
- Try selecting a storage facility that you can easily access. That means that it should be close to your location. As a result, you will have quick access to your inventory at any given time.
- Then, we recommend picking a unit size that best suits your inventory. Later on, you will be able to assess whether you should upgrade/downgrade.
- Also, it might be a good idea to bring in shelves. That will help you organise your inventory and mimic the layout of your stockroom.
- Finally, make sure to organise your inventory along the walls. That will give you enough walking space with easy access to everything you need.
U Store It Business Storage Solutions
The holiday season doesn’t necessarily mean that you should deal with boxes piling up and cluttering your stockroom. If you want, you can check out our storage units by visiting one of our 7 locations. Make a smart decision and save yourself from dealing with added stress during the already stressful season. Go ahead and give us a call. U Store It will be happy to help you store your inventory and keep it safe and secure.