Many people around the world have learned one great lesson from the recent years of economic turmoil. They know the danger of relying on one employer as your sole source of income. More and more people, particularly millennials, are developing profitable side businesses. These aren’t nixers. These are legit businesses totally separate from one’s day job. The trend is huge in the USA with everyone from teachers to technology professionals running a small business on the side and it is become ever popular this side of the Atlantic also. It’s also popular with stay at home parents of small children because it can be a very flexible way to earn money.
Side hustle range from making crafts to sell at fairs to becoming an independent sales rep for a large company. Essential oils and leggings are two extremely popular items sold by independent distributors in the USA as a side hustle. Do you have a friend who makes amazing wedding cakes and sells one or two a month to friends and friends of friends? That’s a good sideline. That neighbour who works a full-time office job but spends his evenings in his shed making whimsical children’s furniture? He’s got a great side business that he really enjoys.
Storage Solutions for When Your Sideline Outgrows Your Home
If you have a side business that involves merchandise, with hard work and bit of luck, you might find it really taking off. The personal storage space in your home might not be enough to hold everything. Once you get established, develop a good name and get your marketing going, you might be surprised at how fast your side business grows. Suddenly, you are selling out of popular items. It’s hard to keep track of what you have because some of it is in the attic and some is under your bed. This is a make it or break it time for your business.
To grow, you need storage space. If you don’t have secure storage protected from the elements (and the children and the pets) at home, a rental storage unit is the most likely solution to grow your business.
In Dublin, Cork, Waterford and Belfast, U Store It offers convenient, purpose-built rental storage units that are ideal for your side business merchandise. We can sign for deliveries on your behalf, and you can arrange to have your courier collect orders ready to be shipped to your customers. We have a range of different size personal storage units available with 24/7 security and access.