Now that the Leaving Cert results are out, Irish students are busy finalizing their plans to start college. Which course to take, where to go, where to live and what to bring are the big questions they face. Across the island, students who’ve been at home all summer are preparing to spread their wings and fly the nest.
Unlike the birds of the metaphor, however, they have stuff. Lots of stuff. And many are moving into student digs, which are rarely spacious. It can be quite a shock to go from a family home with a garage or shed to one room, especially if it is a shared room. So they face another question – how to find storage for all that stuff they can’t leave at home?
What kind of things might need a storage unit in Dublin, Cork, Waterford or Belfast? Some items are great to have nearby but way too large to keep in student housing. Students who enjoy sports and the outdoors might have kayaks, canoes, row boats, fishing equipment, goalposts and nets, tents and other camping gear that they would enjoy using near college and want to be able to access without a trip back home. A storage unit is an ideal solution, and at U Store It, there’s no minimum booking time. A student who might enjoy some boating or camping in September or October can book a personal storage unit for those months only and return their things to their home place for the winter.
Students who enjoy cosplay, renaissance fairs or other events that involve elaborate costumes and props can use a personal storage unit to keep their gear near their college. Artists can also use personal storage units for equipment and supplies they want to have nearby but don’t use daily. Please note that paint and other flammable or combustible materials cannot be stored in U Store It’s storage units.
Even if students simply need a unit for a couple of weeks while they are looking for longer-term housing or working on a presentation, display booth or art project that doesn’t fit in their room, a student storage unit can be an easy and convenient solution. Booking a personal storage unit short-term can also be a good solution for parents planning to do any major house cleaning or reorganizing this autumn!