When people think of Valentine’s day gifts, they think of flowers, chocolates, teddy bears and jewellery. However, sometimes, the most practical ideas can prove to be the best gift of all.
Those of you reside with their spouse’s children will understand the frustration of living in a sea of someone else’s stuff. Endless piles of clothes, shoes, sports equipment and toys lying about can amount to serious stress in the home. Maintaining such a clutter-filled environment can lead to a claustrophobic atmosphere and cause tension with those who live in the house.
Have you ever thought how nice it would be to come home to a clean and spacious home? Well, if that’s the way that you’re thinking, then there’s a fair chance that your partner may be feeling the same. So why not give your beloved a gift that they will truly enjoy this Valentine’s day – a clutter free paradise!
Make A List
- Take a mini-tour around your home and list everything that you don’t need and choose items that could be donated to charity or put away in storage. These items generally consist of clothes, books and dated household items. We have storage units of all sizes in each of our six facilities nationwide.
Clean & Declutter
- Pack up all your unwanted items into boxes and label them accordingly. Sweep any areas that may be dusty or untidy and mop any dirty floors that need attention. Next, take out any household thrash and air out each room with freshener.
To Finish…
With your home now spick and span, it’s time to make the setting that bit more special. Light some scented candles and put on some nice music. If you’re in the mood for cooking, try to rustle up a nice meal before your Valentine arrives home. If not you can always order something in and plate it up. Cue smiling faces all round and a happier, stress-free home!