In life, we are often faced with situations where we have far too much stuff at home and a lack of storage space, but when a house move is in process, this is generally the time when it becomes even more apparent. It’s the time where we really have to sort through every nook and cranny, places that may not have seen the light of day for a very long time, and it’s the time where we realise the extent of our many years of hoarding.
Often this becomes the point in which people decide to book a self-storage unit, and to begin with; many opt for a unit they think will be adequate enough in size to house all of those extra belongings. When moving house, people rarely want to take all that they own with them, as they do not want to clutter up their new home.
Many may seek storage for a quick fix so that they can safely store items temporarily until a suitable time is available to sort through things thoroughly. As those items are put into the unit, people often realise that it’s not big enough to store all of the items they intended. When this situation occurs, it’s stressful, fact! And on top of the stress of a house move, it’s certainly something you could do without, so what to do?
Transferring to another unit
Transferring to another storage unit may not be on the agenda, but if the situation arises, fear not! Because we are here to help,
It’s probably better to transfer to a bigger unit rather than to get two; it’s certainly more cost-effective anyway! And having two storage units may mean that they are placed on either side of the facility due to available space, again, this can be annoying and time-consuming. If you are unsure about which size unit you may require, our team is on hand to help you make the right choice based on the number of items expected to be stored.
- Sorting for storage
Ok, so you may have already been here once, but if you have to move to another unit anyway, you may as well sort everything out again. Things that you decided to store the first time may not be things you wish to keep any longer, so it’s the ideal time to take a second glance to see if you can reduce the number of items you have.
Moving units is the ideal time to reorganise the space within. If you’ve had the unit you’re currently hiring for some time, it may be cluttered, unorganised and full to the brim with restricted access, especially if you’re seeking a larger space anyway. If this is the case, now may be the time to reorganise it as you transfer!
So, start by sorting through the stuff you have in your current unit before transferring and possibly adding more to the clutter. If things can be disregarded, sold, or given away, now’s the perfect time to do that. You may wish to add some shelving, hooks, and hangers to the new storage unit so that the space is better organised.
- Labelling
Maintaining an organised storage unit helps later on as it saves heaps of time and hassle when it comes to finding your things. Labelling boxes is a must; if you haven’t already labelled boxes in your unit, it’s best to do it ASAP, whilst your stored items are still fresh in your mind. Things that you need to access rather frequently should always be located nearer the front, whilst stuff that is not so relevant can be stored away at the back.
- Grouping
Grouping together is a good way of keeping your stored items organised. Separate items into groups, such as clothing, hardware, decorations, etc. and or organise by family members, with the rightful owner labelled clearly on their box of belongings. This helps to find things later on and saves the need to dig through heaps of stuff to find what you want.
- Moving on
Moving to a bigger unit is the ideal time to start organising better, especially if the smaller one wasn’t, starting with the biggest items you have, such as furniture pieces.
Start by placing these items alongside the walls and towards the back so that there is enough available space left to move around.
Boxes can be stockpiled or even stored on shelving but ensure they are labelled, especially if they contain delicate items so that nothing heavy is piled on top of it.
Tables and cupboards can come in very handy. Although they are part of your storage collection, doesn’t mean they cannot be put to good use, so make sure that you use them as suitable storage solutions; items can be put on top of tables, underneath tables and inside drawers etc. It’s also a way of maximising space as the largest items, which would generally take up more of the storage space, are now becoming part of your organised storage.
Transferring smartly to another storage unit is a wise move to make, it may take up some of your time, but it will save you stressing later on and well worth the effort.